Members' Events
Image: Collage of images and coloured boxes

Members' Lectures

As a thank you for your ongoing support, we are delighted to be running more virtual lectures this winter. Our historians and experts will be discussing topics ranging from the Neolithic farming to Cold War bunkers, and once again you can enjoy these from the comfort of your own home. 

These lectures are free and exclusively for Members (although booking is required). However, if you feel you can give something to help give England's heritage a future, we have also included a donation form. Thank you. 

Next lecture: The end of the Cold War: duty, detergent and the Royal Observer Corps

Image: York Cold War Bunker

 Kevin Booth, Senior Curator

Tuesday 26 March 2024, 6pm–7pm

In September 1991 members of the Royal Observer Corps (ROC) closed the door on their Group Control in York for the final time. Using testimony of the observers themselves, this lecture will document the end of the cold war through the prism of the ROC volunteers and the building they staffed. It is a story of service and pride, of memories and friendships, and of how the cold war’s end may be symbolised in a half used bottle of washing up liquid.

Book now
Image: Dr Frances McIntosh and Dr Matt Thompson

Watch again

Watch again our past Members' lectures, which saw some of our experts and historians discussing topics including life in medieval castles, Charles Darwin's laboratory, conservation of 16th-century artworks and the Battle of Hastings.

Watch the lectures again
'step into englands story